【PMQ Studio 限定印花獎賞計劃】
由2022年5月1日至11月30日,PMQ Studio 將會開始印花獎賞計劃!會員儲齊指定印花就可以換禮物!
值得留意的是會員帶同非會員参與PMQ Studio 體驗課堂,而又成功介紹友人入會,就可以一次過儲ABC Cooking Studio以及PMQ Studio的印花!
追蹤PMQ studio及ABC Cooking Studio Hong Kong 的 Instagram戶口 ,將可獲得首個印花。
完成PMQ Studio 正式或體驗課堂後拍照上傳至Instagram ,標註 @pmq_abccookingstudio 及@abccookingstudio_hk,將可獲得第二個印花。
會員偕同非會員友人参與PMQ Studio 的體驗課堂,及成功介紹友人入會,將可獲得4個印花。
會員偕同非會員友人参與PMQ Studio 的體驗課堂,即使友人沒有入會,仍可獲得1個印花。
*將不定期公開更多獲得印花的條件,請務必追蹤PMQ studio、ABC Cooking Studio Hong Kong 的 Instagram以獲取最新資訊。
5個:$20 購物現金券 1 張
10個:ABC Cooking Studio膠刮 1 份(價值$118)
15 個:ABC Cooking Studio 製作麵包套裝1 份(價值 $206)
20個:ABC Cooking Studio產品福袋1 份(價值 $400)
.本印花卡推廣活動僅限香港ABC Cooking Studio之會員以及於PMQ Studio 使用。
.如有任何爭議,ABC Cooking Studio Hong Kong Limited保留一切最終決定權,本活動如有更改,恕不另行通知。
Terms and Conditions:
.Only ABC Cooking Studio Hong Kong members are eligible for joining this stamp card promotion. This card is valid at PMQ Studio only.
.This stamp card expiry date is 30th November 2022. Only the original copy is accepted. ABC Cooking Studio is not responsible for replacement or reissue for mislay or damaged stamp cards.
.All stamps must be collected on the same stamp card when redeeming for rewards.
.Stamps that are redeemed for rewards will be redeemable for the next level of rewards.
.This stamp card cannot be exchanged for cash or any other rewards and is not transferable.
.ABC Cooking Studio Hong Kong Limited reserves the right of revising this terms and conditions without any prior announcement. In case of any dispute, ABC Cooking Studio Hong Kong Limited reserves the right to make the final decision.