
新型冠狀病毒肺炎防疫安排通知 [6.8.2020更新]

新型冠狀病毒肺炎防疫安排通知 [6.8.2020更新]
COVID-19 Precautionary Measures Notice [updated as of 6.8.2020]

因應目前新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情發展,為減少社區接觸以防病毒傳播,ABC Cooking Studio將進一步收緊防疫措施:

• 29/07/2020起至14/08/2020,考慮到風險因素及料理課堂在進行時會員之間有較多互動,所有料理及Kids課堂(包括體驗課堂及正式課堂)將會取消。受影響之正式課堂將不會被扣堂,受影響之體驗課堂如未能安排改期可獲退款處理。各受影響學員會收到店員致電通知有關安排。
• 29/07/2020起至14/08/2020,所有體驗課堂及正式課堂每堂可容納之學員人數上限將維持為二人,但會以一位學員使用一張工作檯的形式授課,確保學員之間能保持適當的社交距離。
• 17/07/2020至14/08/2020期間已預約之課堂(料理及Kids課堂除外),我們會根據系統記錄之預約時間先後次序,將每堂第三、第四位學員的預約取消。受影響之正式課堂將不會被扣堂,受影響之體驗課堂如未能安排改期可獲退款處理。各受影響學員會收到店員致電通知有關安排。
• 17/07/2020至14/08/2020期間,所有分店將暫停開放用膳區予料理學員於Studio用餐。
• 為全面防疫,疫情期間Studio將暫停提供茶水服務。Studio範圍內所有導師及學員必須配戴口罩。如非必要,所有導師及學員應儘量避免觸摸或除下口罩。


ABC Cooking Studio會與各位學員通力合作,做好一切預防傳染病的措施,與香港市民攜手抗疫。感謝大家的體諒和配合,造成不便敬請原諒。

Due to current COVID-19 situation, ABC Cooking Studio will adopt stricter safe distancing measures to reduce the risk of transmission:

• Considering risk factors and relatively more interactions between members during Cooking lessons, all Cooking and Kids lessons between 29/07/2020 and 14/08/2020 (including Trial lessons and Regular Lessons) will be cancelled. There will be further notice (i.e. phone calls) to affected members directly. There shall be no Cancellation Penalty to affected regular lessons. Rescheduling or refund is offered to affected trial bookings.
• All lessons between 29/07/2020 and 14/08/2020 (including Trial lessons and Regular Lessons), the number of participants will be remained to 2 pax per lesson, and reduced to 1 pax per table, to ensure safe distancing between participants.
• For existing bookings (excluding Cooking and Kids lessons) between 17/07/2020 and 14/08/2020, we will remove the 3rd and 4th bookings from the lesson (based on booking time) if the lesson is deemed to have more than 2 members. There will be further notice (i.e. phone calls) to affected members directly. There shall be no Cancellation Penalty to affected regular lessons. Rescheduling or refund is offered to affected trial bookings.
• Starting from 17/07/2020 till 14/08/2020, dine-in will not be allowed at all studios.
• To step up precautionary measures, pantry at all studios will be temporarily closed. All instructors and members must wear masks at all times. Touching or taking off masks should be avoided, if not necessary.

*Depending on the latest COVID-19 situation, these measures might extend upon further notice*

We thank you for your understanding and continuous support to ABC Cooking Studio. We wish you good health and happiness!
• 學員在上課前須填寫健康申報表並接受體溫測試。 如學員當日體溫高於正常標準,ABC Cooking Studio將保留拒絕該等學員上課之權利,而該缺席的課堂並不會被扣堂。
• 強烈呼籲參與課堂的同學早10-15分鐘簽到,以免耽誤開堂時間。
• 所有導師將會配戴口罩上課。學員出席時亦必須配戴口罩方可上課。
• 課室均提供消毒噴霧及洗手液予學員使用。
• 所有煮食、烘焙用具皆會在使用前以酒精消毒,並放入洗碗機以80 ℃以上高溫消毒。
• 早晚使用1:99漂白水清潔洗手盤及整個課室。
• 我們已全面停止接受持有ABC Passport之中國內地及海外學員前來香港上課。
• 於14天內曾到訪內地/有疫情地方的學員,必須如實通知我們,ABC Cooking Studio將保留拒絕該等學員上課之權利,而該缺席的課堂並不會被扣堂。
• 我們呼籲學員自備潔淨(一次性)的手套上課,以減低傳染風險。
• 請經常留意政府及社區之最新防疫安排。
ABC Cooking Studio會與各位學員通力合作,做好一切預防傳染病的措施,與香港市民攜手抗疫。感謝大家的體諒和配合,造成不便敬請原諒。