
Precautionary measures against Wuhan Coronavirus Notice [Effective from 01/02/2020]


因應新型肺炎疫情,ABC Cooking Studio為保障同學及職員的健康,由01/02/2020起,所有ABC員工在Studio工作時將會配戴口罩。我們亦懇請所有出席課堂的同學必需配戴口罩,以防病菌散播。在疫情減退前,本公司恕不接待沒有配戴口罩之客人。同時,我們亦會於Studio內加強消毒,尤其是人多及有人經常接觸之位置。


謹祝 心想事成,身體健康。
Precautionary measures against Wuhan Coronavirus Notice [Effective from 01/02/2020]

In response to the recent outbreak of Wuhan Coronavirus, to ensure the safety and well-being of our customers and staffs, ABC Cooking Studio would like to take the following precautionary measures. From 01/02/2020, all staffs will be wearing masks during lessons, and hereby all customers are required to mask up. We apologize in advance that we will not be accepting customers without masks. Meanwhile, in addition to the daily sanitization practices, all studios will increase the frequency of disinfection, especially high touch areas.

We will continue to stay alert to the Coronavirus live updates. The safety and well-being of our customers and staffs will always be our first priorities. We seek for your understanding and cooperation and wish to remind all valued customers to be mindful of personal hygiene during this critical time.

Above all, we wish you good health and happiness.